What is Grow With Google?

Grow with Google helps ensure that the opportunities created by technology are available to everyone. Through tools and training, we help people get the right skills to find jobs they want, advance their careers and grow their businesses. Since launching in 2017, we’ve trained more than eight million Americans on digital skills. And through a network of more than 8,000 partner organizations–including local libraries, schools, and nonprofits–more people across the country can reach their full potential.

  • Small Business Owners can build their online presence and find new customers.

  • Job Seekers and Students can learn the skills they need to get the jobs they want in today’s evolving economy.

  • Veterans and Military Families can access tools and resources designed to help with the transition to civilian life and to build meaningful careers.

  • Educators can learn how to help their students get the skills they need to be prepared for today’s jobs.

  • Developers can sharpen their current skills and master new ones.

  • Startups can learn how to get their ideas the exposure they need to succeed.

What is Main Street America?

Main Street America programs – Coordinating Programs, Accredited Programs, and Affiliate Programs – are working day in day out to transform communities, celebrate historic character, and revitalize local economies across the country. What sets Main Street America™ apart is the powerful network: the unique combination of grassroots dedication to comprehensively improving quality of life at the local level, integral support and expertise provided by Coordinating Programs at the city, county, and state level, and leadership and direction from the National Main Street Center (NMSC).

What is the Grow With Google and Main Street Partnership?

Grow with Google has partnered with Main Street America to build economic opportunities for rural communities by bringing digital skills training to local small businesses. The partnership aims to do so by leveraging the Main Street America network and trainers to scale the reach of Grow with Google’s tools and resources to small businesses through workshops, events, and 1:1 coaching. Each coach will have 1,000 touches with small businesses through in person trainings in town and regionally, virtually for long distances and locally/regionally, and one on one sessions as follow up to workshop participation.

How Does This Benefit My Community?

Selected Main Street communities will receive technical and financial assistance to provide training to local businesses through a contracted trainer who is located in each community to work as a trainer and one on one coaching.

How Long Will it Last?

This program will end in March 2024!

How many communities were selected for this program?

10 Main Street communities in 10 states will receive funding and assistance to provide digital coaching services to small businesses in their local communities, region and virtually to small Main Street towns in their states.

Schedule A one on one with coach Janet!